Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Is Snape on DumbleDore's Side ?

DumbleDore is on SNAPE'S side (Yes Ofcourse, wierd it may sound).
Harry potter story plot shows that there are only 2 sides fighting each other,

DumbleDore Vs Voldemort.

But the actual scene is

Snape Vs Voldemort

and it's not DumbleDore who believed in Snape, But it's Snape who believed in Dumbledore in his fight against Voldemort.

-> 1st question which arises is
'If snape wants to fight against Voldemort, why not take the help of ministry and DumbleDore


Here i need to stress a similarity between snape and voldemort,
Both were engrossed so much in Dark Arts so much that they invented their own dark magic even before

they completed their school education.

The other similarity is both prefers to fight/operate alone, So snape decided to join voldemort as

follower and then act as a traitor. The path choosen by DumbleDore (by forming Order Of the

Phoenix), is more risky as the members of phoenix are well-known in magical community.

-> The 2nd question is
'Why should he fight against Voldemort',
At this point of time i can only guess the reason, as the past of life of snape is minimally covered

in rowling's books. May be the 7th book will link voldemort and snape's parents involved in some fight and it resulted in Snape developing vengence on Voldemort. One more guess is Snape's parents might came to know about Voldemorts Horcruxes and Voldemort finished them.

-> The 3rd Question is
'Why he hates members of OOTP so much ?'
Here, he is fighting against voldemort with the help of Dumbledore, he works only with dumbledore, he doesnot bother about other people, he hates the rest of the people(ootp members) as he used to hate them at the school, I cant rule out the possibility of Snape in

love with Lily Evans(potter's mother), the fact that james married lilly might be one more reason

why snape hated james so much.

-> The 4th qstn is
Does Snape Love Muggles/MudBloods ?

As of know what is told in the book, he hates them, but i dnt think so,
because, if he is a muggle hater, y did he retain his muggle fathers name and he is not as ashamed

as voldemort in doing so, and his second name (half-blood prince) refers to his mom (elieen prince).

In and Out the final conclusion i give is

It is the snape who is fighting against Voldemort and
He has bigger role then what is currently shown.


At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi i am also a Harry Potter Fan. I came across your blog. Even i have my own blog about harry potter. Its

At 3:28 AM, Blogger sriram said...

I think yes and no.
Yes because, I feel this entire thing is DD's plan to vanquish voldie. Also he trusts snape for some unknown reason which will be explained in part 7. Assuming that DD will resurrect or in some way help harry in fighting with voldie, snape killed/did something that made everyone believe that DD is dead. So voldie will be a bit complacent now and may commit some mistakes which will lead to his downfall.

No because from the beginning Snape was shown as a suspicious character. Nobody in the school believes him except DD. So betraying that trust now that DD is no longer there (assuming) is not a big thing. Also Snape always had a grudge against James. So this time he may not hesitate to make this personal

At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi!i think u r rite, but then i dont think snape is a lover of muggles neither does he hate muggles.Dumbledore and snape definitely planned this together.according to this website i saw, dumbledore must have done some mistake of which he could stop the harm by only his death. when he was about to be killed he said "Snape...please"....which maybe meant asking him to go on with their original plan.What do u think??This is the website.

At 2:19 AM, Blogger krishna said...

My god, My analysis is just a subset of what is discussed here.....

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i already answered ur fourth qs and i think snape hating the order members is understandable as he was with them(sirius,lupin etc..)in school and was considered a weirdo..and maybe he wanted to spice up the act with dumbledore so that he appears to be suspicious to the normal world and voldemort will believe him..and snape cant possibly hate mudbllods a lot as he himself is one...wat do u say?

At 1:57 AM, Blogger krishna said...

Hating Mudbloods is the same for Voldemort, He is half-blood and he hates muggles and mudbloods...


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